Onur Yazıcıgil
Onur Yazıcıgil is a typographer and educator who currently lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey. He received his MFA from Purdue University in the USA. In 2007 he won the first prize in typographic excellence from the Society of Typographic Arts in Chicago. He is a board member of ATypI since 2013 and has spoken at TypeCon, ATypI, TypoBerlin, and lectured on various topics in the field of typography. At the present, he is a faculty member at Sabancı University. He designed a humanist sanserif typeface, Duru, with partial availability on Google Web Fonts. In addition to his research in latin typefaces, he has been most focused on the Ottoman metal typeface production of the 19th century, in particular Ottoman naskh typefaces. Also in 2011 he cofounded ISType, a lecture and workshop series on typography, which he has been directing ever since.
Onur's talk centered around the Ottoman printers operating during the 19th century.